Monday, July 27, 2009

Capellini and Mushroom Frittata with Parmesan

I did it! I made it, and it was goooooood. But not pretty (hence, no pictures) - I didn't heat the skillet well enough so it didn't brown. I will try again, though. I will!


1 c. cooked capellini pasta
1 c. raw chopped mushrooms, any variety
1 egg
2 egg whites
1/3 c. grated parmesan reggiano
fresh ground pepper
chili powder


Lightly brush a 10 inch skillet with olive oil; I used low fat olive oil cooking spray for a less fat preparation. Gently heat the skillet while you cook the capellini in salted water until tender. Drain the capellini.

Meanwhile, combine all other ingredients (spices to taste) in a small mixing bowl. Add the drained capellini and stir until well-mixed. Add the mixture to the skillet and pat until flat and of approximately 1 inch thickness. It should sizzle; this is a sign of it browning. While it's in the skillet, add small dollops of margarine or butter around the outsides to help it crisp on the sides. I used margarine.

When the top loses its shine, it is ready to put under the grill. I put the entire skillet into the oven at around 400 F and let it finish cooking. It will not brown before it is finished cooking. Elapsed time is approximately 4 minutes.

Upon removing the frittata from the oven, cover with a serving plate and flip the skillet over. The frittata should fall easily onto the plate and is ready for eating. Serves 2.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

White Pizza Disaster

Last night, I made the inaugural recipe: low fat white pizza from scratch.

The world did not cooperate. Suffice it to say, the recipe was a bit of a flop. An edible flop - but not one to which I'm willing to subject you, dear Reader.

Flaws in the recipe included (but not limited to):

1) No salt in the white sauce
2) Crust was far too thick (though the taste was fine)
3) The white sauce recipe I used as my baseline called for an abundance of onion, with limited garlic. This seemed fishy to me, but I, unfortunately, went with it.

Upsides in the recipe:

1) I used fresh mozzarella instead of shredded mozzarella. I was skeptical as to whether it would melt, but it did - like a dream. Veeery silky.
2) I used fresh vine-ripened tomatoes. They were heavenly!

Overall, I would say the recipe has potential for success - and I WILL TRY AGAIN. But not for a while!

Tonight, I'm going to make a capellini and mushroom fritatta with parmesan. More information to come!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A blog about eating great while eating healthy!

Well, hello there. Welcome!

This blog is a food blog, as you may have guessed - though you can't tell yet (this is entry #1!).

The aim is to show you, the reader, that eating healthy can be totally synonymous with eating great - and that you don't have to stop eating the foods you love to do so!

The blog is NOT vegetarian or vegan. All recipes use real ingredients that you can get at a real grocery store. No recipes use specialty ingredients that you have to dig around your town or city to find. I live in Paris. It's impossible for me to find most things here - including pre-packaged foods, so the recipes focus on wholesome foods cooked from scratch.

Anyway, I'll be getting started soon - I really hope that you enjoy reading and eating what I've got to share!